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Innovating together

At Phase to Phase, we believe in the power of working together. Technology and innovation are human endeavors. Collaboration is crucial to improve our products and to ensure they meet our clients’ requirements, but also to realize the energy transition. This is why, from the very start, we have worked together closely with our clients and with players in the energy sector and knowledge institutions.

Wilhelm Eduard Weber

Together with our users

The users of our products are not just clients, they are also our innovation partners. We host annual product user days where we and our users share our knowledge and experiences with each other. These days are also a great opportunity to network with colleagues in the sector. Not only do they enhance the knowledge of our users, they also help us obtain valuable insights that we use to further improve our products. Our goal is to use an open architecture for our products, so that users can contribute actively to further development.

We also organize regular meetings for plus users, where we exchange experiences and collect feedback that is useful for the development of our products. In addition, they test beta versions of our products and updates, playing a crucial role in our innovation process.

Together with our partners

We are proud of our partnership with organizations such as Dutch Power, Cired and CIGRE Nederland, which allows us to share knowledge and experience in the field of energy supply. We are working with others through innovation consortiums to develop and research new innovations; for example, POWERED, GO-e, and ORKEST. In addition, we collaborate with knowledge institutions in research projects such as Control Room of the Future.

We will continue to strive for technological innovation in the energy transition with our focus on collaboration, the open architecture of our products, and our user-friendly approach.

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