Home News A new partner: Westland Infra Netbeheer

A new partner: Westland Infra Netbeheer

Now participating in the development of Vision Cloud Solution

We are proud to welcome Westland Infra Netbeheer as a new partner in the Vision Cloud Solution product user group. This grid operator from the province of Zuid-Holland is now using Vision Cloud Solution and is participating in the development of the platform. The functionality of this cloud application is constantly being extended in close cooperation with the product user group, which also includes Stedin, Rendo, Enexis, and Cogas.

Rick Nennie, Grid Management Specialist at Westland Infra Netbeheer, is excited about the collaboration: “It’s great to work with Phase to Phase. Although our medium-voltage network is heavily dimensioned, we are seeing ever greater loads. This means it is increasingly important to have insight into the networks. The low-voltage network is also seeing heavier loads, for example because of feed-in from solar panels and the switch from gas to electricity. Vision Cloud Solution allows us to calculate our networks, apply scenarios easily, and visualize the results in geographical overviews. It’s a great visualization tool to have for conversations with other departments and organizations.

At Phase to Phase, we see the participation of Westland Infra Netbeheer as a positive stimulus for the further development of Vision Cloud Solution. The contributions of Westland Infra Netbeheer and the other grid operators in the product user group help us to fine-tune the platform optimally to the requirements and needs of the users.

Westland Infra Netbeheer operates the power and gas grid in Midden-Delfland, in a part of Botlek and, of course, in Westland. Noteworthy about Westland Infra Netbeheer are its close links with the greenhouse horticulture sector in Westland. This energy-intensive sector is working hard to make its energy consumption more sustainable, for example by using decentralized cogeneration. Westland Infra Netbeheer is advising the sector on the installation and use of cogeneration and other aspects of the transition to sustainable energy consumption.

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Published: 22 February 2022