Vision Network Analysis
Planning, design and control of transport, distribution and industrial grids.
Vision Grid Navigator links calculation results from Vision Network Analysis and Gaia LV Network Design with data from geographic information systems (GIS). The package allows users to intuitively navigate through their networks. Thanks to the speed of DirectX™, Vision Grid Navigator provides direct and clear insight into grids. The geographical view in Vision Grid Navigator works seamlessly with the schematic view in Vision Network Analysis and Gaia LV Network Design.
For the geographical background, Andes maps and photo data from Cyclomedia are used.
By presenting load flow calculations in 3D, the significance of the data becomes immediately visible.
The geographical view supports the traditional schematic view and gives an improved insight.
Vision Grid Navigator expands Vision Network Analysis with a geographical viewer and editor. The program shows results of load flow calculations at the exact location. Questions like: “Which side of the road is a cable on?” or “Is there a specific load on an industrial site?” can be answered quickly.
Alongside the map is a list of grids which, when clicked, are simultaneously drawn schematically in Vision Network Analysis, and geographically in Vision Grid Navigator. From both programs, selections in the grid can be made.
Vision Grid Navigator uses the digital Andes map as a basis, that can seamlessly zoom between national and street level.
The Andes map can also display overlays in the widely used Google Earth format KML, or in WMS (Web Mapping Service).
Vision Grid Navigator is also capable of displaying aerial photographs at a resolution of 10cm per pixel. Also, the 360 degree ambient pictures of Cyclomedia can be displayed with the projected location of cables.
Vision Grid Navigator places all nodes, lines and joints on the XY coordinates known from the GIS. A user can use the map to loop in new medium-voltage substations in existing cables. The new cable routes can then be edited geographically. Lengths are determined and can be taken directly into account in calculations.
By filtering the results of load flow calculations by cable load and/or node voltage, certain phenomena can be shown directly in a network. For example: show all cables with a load of more than 70%, or show the short-circuit power at all nodes.
Results of a profile calculation can be visualized via an animation. This provides insight into how and where voltages and loads vary over time.
In 3D view, Vision Grid Navigator offers an extra dimension for presentations. For example, 3D bar charts can be used to display short-circuit power or transformer loads. Also, data from the Production Installation Register (PIR) or the number of clients per node can be displayed.
Since the geographical distribution can easily be interpreted, the information is also accessible to (relative) laymen.